
Getting Started


  1. Exploring the registry
  2. Details view
  3. Web view
  4. Copying keys and values
  5. Editing values
  6. Importing/exporting binary values
  7. Renaming keys or values
  8. Creating a new key
  9. Creating a new value
  10. Exporting reg files
  11. Searching the registry
  12. Creating a shortcut to a registry key or value
  13. Moving the Registry system folder
  14. Uninstalling registry explorer

1. Exploring the registry

The registry contains all the settings for your computer. Registry Explorer lets you browse and change these settings. If you don't know what the registry is or you don't feel comfortable changing these values, you should uninstall Registry Explorer.

Be sure you know very well what you are doing. Making the wrong changes can render your computer unusable.

Registry Explorer presents the registry as a system folder. The folder resides in the Desktop folder. You can click on the icon on your desktop or you can open explorer and explore the registry from there.

Exploring the registry works just the same as exploring your file system.

Both keys and values are displayed in the registry folder. The keys behave like directories in the file system, the values like files.

A default value will always be displayed, even if it doesn't exist. A default value is a value without a name.

You can navigate the registry the way you are used to. You can use the navigational buttons on the toolbar. Clkicking or double-clicking on a key (depending on your windows settings) will open this key. If you explore the registry (with a tree control containing folders on the left)

In the Network Edition, a Registry symbol is also displayed for every computer on the network. You explore it just like the local; registry.

To browse a remote registry, expadnd Network Neighborhood or My Network Places and go to the computer you need. When you expand that computer, next to the drives and the Printers icon, it will also have a Registry icon.

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2. Details view

To get more information on the keys and values in the registry, Select "View/Details" from the menu.

In details view, there are a number of columns with extended information on the keys and values.

When using Internet explorer 5 or higher, you can right-click on the heading with the titles of the columns to select which columns you want to see.

Available columns are:

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3. Web view

If you have web content enabled, the registry is displayed in web view.

In web view, there is a left pane with extra information about the selected key or value.

The information depends on the key or value.

If you are working online, the left pane will also display a commercial.

The commercial will not be displayed in the Network Edition.

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4. Copying keys and values

Copy and paste

Select the values you want to copy and press Ctrl-C on the keyboard. Then navigate to the key where you want to copy the values to and click Ctrl-V on the keyboard.

Instead of using Ctrl-C, you can right-click on one of the items and select Copy from the menu that is displayed.

Instead of using Ctrl-V, you can right-click on the background of a folder or on a key and select Paste from the menu that is displayed.

Drag and drop

Select the keys and values you want to copy and drag them to another window displaying the key you want to copy them to or a key in the tree view. Drop them there.

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5. Editing values

When you click or double-click on a value (depending on your Windows settings), a dialog is displayed that lets you edit the value. The dialog depends on the type of value.

For a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ value, you can edit the text.

For a REG_MULTI_SZ value, you see one line of text for each text string. To create extra strings, press the enter key.

For REG_DWORD values, you can choose to enter a decimal or hexadecimal value.

For binary values, you see the value as hex data and as text. You can choose which one you edit.

When you are finished, click on OK. If you don't want to store your changes, click cancel.

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6. Importing/Exporting binary values

When editing a binary value, you can select Import from file. You can then browse for a file to be imported. The maximum size is 1024 bytes.

You can also select Export to file. You will be asked for a file name.

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7. Renaming keys or values

To rename a key or value, right-click on it. A menu will be displayed. In this menu, select Rename. You can then edit the name.

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8. Creating a new key

When you right-click on the background of a folder, a menu is displayed.

From this menu, select New, then Key.

Alternatively, you can Select File in the menu on top, then New, then Key.

A new key will be created with the name New Key. Rename this key.

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9. Creating a new value

When you right-click on the background of a folder, a menu is displayed.

From this menu, select New, then the type of value you want.

A new value will be created with the name New Value. Rename this value, then edit it.

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10. Exporting reg files

Registry Explorer lets you create reg files that can be used on any computer (even without Registry Explorer installed). They will work on all versions of windows starting from Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.

You can create two types of reg files: normal files that copy the keys and values to the other computers, or inverse reg files that delete the selected keys and values.

To create a reg file, select the keys and values you want to export.

Right-click on the selected items. From the menu that is displayed, select Export.

You will have to choose the type of reg file (normal or inverse) and specify the file name.

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11. Searching the registry

Sometimes you want to search through the registry for a given text string.

Registry Explorer lets you search through the whole registry or limit your search to a given key or subkey.

To start a search, right-click on the registry icon for a full registry search or on a registry key for a search within this key. Then select Find from the menu that pops up.

Now you see a dialog that lets you specify the search string and options. You can select the folowing options:

After clicking OK, a window appears with the search results. The search continues even after the first results have been displayed.

When you click or double-click (depending on your windows settings) on a search result item, a new window will be opened that displays it. For more options, you can right-click.

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12. Creating a shortcut to a registry key or value

Select the key or value,

Right click on it and select Copy from the menu that pops up.

Go to the target location (file system folder or folder like desktop), right-click on it and select Paste shortcut from the menu that pops up.

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13. Moving the Registry system folder to a different location

Right-click on the registry icon. From the menu that pops up, select Move to. Then select the folder you want to move it to. Control panel may not work on all windows versions. If you choose Select folder, you can browse for a file system folder.

On some systems it is possible that the icon still appears on the original location until you restart your computer.

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14. Uninstalling Registry Explorer

Right-click on the Registry icon and select Uninstall.

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